Customize Permalink optimization SEO for bloggers | seo services

Really , this is the perfect development for SEO bloggers that users have come to expect from a long time. Now Blogger users can customize the url of your post by using

Blogger beta version . To find this option you need to log in and edit your posts in (not ) .

Permalink ( Permalink ) is shown in the right-hand column , click on you will have 2 options to Automatic URL and Custom URL – Automatic URL : if you leave this mode , when publishing an article is any default blogger will give you an automatic link length of 35 to 40 characters under the article title . With links automatically create links sometimes do not look for meaning and not SEO friendly .
– Custom URL : you can customize the link for more friendly article and put into the more keyword rich for SEO .

It is an important part can help you optimize your post links to achieve higher rankings if you know how to set the application title .

see also article 10 tips to optimize your title for seo blogspot will show their importance .

The limitations of the special Permalink This blogger gives you is this link Permalink unlimited length so you can freely customize according to your wishes .

But note that [ COLOR = # 009 900 ! Important ] Google [ / COLOR ] only show the length of a URL fit in 70 characters and the rest of the dot display . So to make sure your URL is best you need to define and put into the important keywords in the title and not more than 4-5 words.

These characters are accepted in Permalink If you are a person would have to know SEO , a website link containing only the colon ( , slash ( / ) , and hyphens ( – ) .

But only dashes ( – ) are located in your control , left colon ( only appears at http:// and the slash ( / ) was created by the directory .

Never use an underscore as it is considered not SEO friendly , this is certainly not the SEO – er stranger ! These characters do not use and not valid Here is the character that you should not use because it will not be accepted in SEO and absolute invalid make your SEO becomes worse .

Special Characters : ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + ` ? , ‘ ‘ : / | \ [ ] . , V.vKhoang Size: ( space ) code [ COLOR = # 009 900 ! Important ] ASCII [ / COLOR ] The following characters are accepted in

Permalink : – dash ( always use it to connect the words in the link ) _ underscore ( Never use it for non- SEO friendly ) The point to note in your SEO permalinks Personally permalink How best known as ? Permalink well as links which describe precise and targeted, SEO . Use keywords important to describe the entire contents of the article and its title fit in a few words . If you could Permalink SEO friendly attention will cause the ratio to search and click on your link is quite high .

Also when your link will not appear on SERPs cut into small dots , this depends on a positive SEO – er .
Here’s an example for you to understand : Bad Permalink :…logger-cua-ban With the link above , a full and meaningful Permalink keywords certainly important but you also have to add in blogger in the folder / 2012/ 06 as your link will be longer and will be shredded on the SERPs , it’s really not SEO friendly .
Good Permalink : Permalink…uu-hoa-blogger With an above can be said to have been optimized for important keywords and full description content as well as the title of the article .

So to be a Good Permalink investment you need to consider and choose what ‘s best for this feature no.Ket argument is still in the trial period and can only be used in .

However, it is a great feature to satisfy the expectations of users as well as help for SEO blogger is becoming increasingly more powerful .

Hopefully this functionality soon be put to bloggers official version and more complete . If you have questions or comments for this post please feel free to leave comments below to help get more complete article . Thank you for taking the time to read my article . Wish you find what you are looking for.